Absolute Security With Onsite Shredding!
We offer reliable on-time service. Either scheduled or on call service. We customize our service to fit your needs and schedule. With on-site shredding you don't have to worry about paper jams or broken shredders and you also get the piece of mind of knowing your documents are secure.
Certificate of Destruction
After every shredding job you receive a certificate of destruction verifying the services we preformed. Our certificate of destruction insures compliance to Wisconsin's "Dumpster Diving Law" and HIPPA regulations. Our customer service representatives are all insured and bonded for your convenience.
Total Record Management
ShredAway provides record storage, retrieval, imaging and destruction of your data. We provide trusted real business solutions.
No Presorting of Material
Paper clips and staples do not have to be removed before we shred. We accept all types of materials for shredding too. For a list of all materials we can shred take a look at our
Shredding Materials List.
Security Containers
For storage of confidential information, we have 5 styles of containers to choose from.
Storage Containers
- Small: MSD 32 Gallon Container
- Medium: MSD 68 Gallon Container
- Large: MSD 95 Gallon Container
- Lockable bins
- Security Slot
Security Cabinets
- Security Cabinet (32 Gallon):
- Lockable
- Attractive
- Dual-purpose
- Great in an office environment
- Security Slot